Size calculator
In the following charts you will find all the size information you need to find the right counterpart for your designer bag.
If you are unsure or need help, please contact us via the 'Support' button or via the contact form. Please always make sure you have the correct model name of your bag and check if necessary.
We are not yet able to serve all handbag formats. However, we are constantly striving to expand our range and add new models to our portfolio.
Finde dein passendes AMI/ find your fitting AMI
Recommended procedure
Find out the exact dimensions of your bag. There are three different ways to do this:
- Go to the manufacturer's website and check the product description of your model.
Alternatively, if your model is no longer listed on the manufacturer's website, check the renowned re-sell sites. - If you want to be absolutely sure, we recommend that you measure your bag yourself.
In the second step, you need to decide on the right basic shape. Here you can choose between a square, round and triangular inlay. Once you have selected the right basic shape, the next step is to choose the right size.
Thanks to their medium-firm foam core, our products are flexible enough to withstand a little wiggle room. Make sure that there is no more than 3 cm difference in size between the pads and the dimensions of your bag.
Form | Modell | Breite (cm) | Höhe (cm) | Tiefe (cm) |
Eckig | ||||
Eckig | AMI 15 | 15-18 | 8-11 | 5-7 |
Eckig | AMI 18 | 18-21 | 10-13 | 6-8 |
Eckig | AMI 20 | 20-23 | 13-16 | 7-9 |
Eckig | AMI 21 | 21-24 | 13-16 | 7-9 |
Eckig | AMI 25 | 25-28 | 16-19 | 8-10 |
Eckig | AMI 32 | 32-35 | 21-24 | 9-11 |
Dreieckig | ||||
Dreieckig | AMI 24 | 24-27 | 18-21 | 10-13 |
Dreieckig | AMI 27 | 27-30 | 20-23 | 11-14 |
Dreieckig | AMI 30 | 30-33 | 22-25 | 13-16 |
Dreieckig | AMI 35 | 35-38 | 26-29 | 15-18 |
Dreieckig | AMI 38 | 38-41 | 28-31 | 16-19 |
Dreieckig | AMI 41 | 41-44 | 30-33 | 17-20 |
Dreieckig | AMI 44 | 44-47 | 28-31 | 13-16 |
Dreieckig | AMI 44/18 | 44-47 | 28-31 | 18-21 |
Dreieckig | AMI 47 | 47-50 | 29-32 | 15-18 |
Rund | ||||
Rund | AMI 20 | 20-23 | 10-13 | 10-13 |
Rund | AMI 22 | 22-25 | 12-15 | 12-15 |
Rund | AMI 25 | 25-28 | 13-16 | 13-16 |
Rund | AMI 30 | 30-33 | 16-19 | 16-19 |
Rund | AMI 35 | 35-38 | 17-20 | 17-20 |
Rund | AMI 40 | 40-43 | 17-20 | 17-20 |
Rund | AMI 44 | 44-47 | 20-23 | 20-23 |
Rund | AMI 49 | 49-52 | 21-24 | 21-24 |